
Can Peabody students stop the floods? Jerry Halberstadt Wed, 05/07/2014 - 01:55

Today, the Office of the President released the National Climate Assessment, a report that details the dangerous impact of climate change on regions of the country. But the kids in Peabody are already at work on the problem, thanks to some dedicated teachers and the volunteers of Green Peabody.

Peabody is drawing closer to nature Jerry Halberstadt Tue, 10/29/2013 - 01:25
Amy with her artNew signs of a growing environmental awareness in Peabody include an arts festival, a new school, and net metering.
Found: uncomfirmed fragment of draft of Obama's State of the Union Jerry Halberstadt Tue, 02/12/2013 - 02:59

This handwritten document seems to be part of the working draft for the State of the Union but we were unable to confirm the source or authenticity. It is in short phrases and bullet points but seems to propose a radical program.


President Obama, I hope you mean this and will act on climate change now. Jerry Halberstadt Tue, 01/22/2013 - 02:50

We, the people, still believe that our obligations as Americans are not just to ourselves, but to all posterity. We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought, and more powerful storms. The path towards sustainable energy sources will be long and sometimes difficult. But America cannot resist this transition; we must lead it. We cannot cede to other nations the technology that will power new jobs and new industries – we must claim its promise.

More resources for understanding the environment, for learning, and for action Jerry Halberstadt Wed, 10/31/2012 - 03:03
More resources on the environment, saving energy, educational resources on earth and space science.
How do the trees talk? Jerry Halberstadt Thu, 10/11/2012 - 02:39

In the story for children, A Tree for Max, the King of the Trees talks with all the trees of the forest. But how can that be possible? Can trees really communicate?

Planning for a sustainable energy future for Mytown

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 21:01

Mytown, a typical small city north of Boston, MA, faces an energy challenge. We now depend largely on carbon-based sources of energy, and these pose major challenges: they are expensive and costs are uncertain, supplies are vulnerable, and the use of fossil fuels threatens society as well as all forms of life through greehnouse gases and global warming. The opportunity is to transition to renewable sources of energy that can save money while reducing harm to the environment.

A story about our environmental future that you can help write. Jerry Halberstadt Wed, 05/30/2012 - 14:17

Call it climate change, call it global warming, or call it a solution, namely creating a sustainable energy future. I am struggling to tell a story of impending environmental disaster that both informs and motivates. The story is that of disasters that are likely to change the conditions of life for all humans and indeed, everything living on earth, and within the lifetime of my young grandson.

There are many stories and many partial solutions. Proven solutions can apply to any municipality. I have sketched out a range of options and proven pathways to success. Planning for a sustainable energy future for Mytown

To talk about trees Jerry Halberstadt Fri, 03/30/2012 - 00:13

"Because you still listen, because in times like these
to have you listen at all, it's necessary
to talk about trees."— What Kind of Times Are These
By Adrienne Rich. 1929-2012

Why can't our political system deal with climate change? Jerry Halberstadt Mon, 03/26/2012 - 17:56

In the State of the Union, the most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States, was unable to deal with the issue threatening the future of humanity: "The differences in this chamber may be too deep right now to pass a comprehensive plan to fight climate change." I seek to understand how our political system is unable to act on our behalf. As Pogo said, "We have met the enemy and he is us."