Connecting you to health and wellness--everywhere
You want to achieve wellness, a cure, or to manage a health condition.
You want to achieve wellness, a cure, or to manage a health condition.
Connected health--the use of technology to connect people to information, advice, and support-- can help consumers achieve wellness, and patients achieve better health.
What are the prospects today for enabling people living with a chronic health problem (like sleep apnea, COPD, or diabetes) to be empowered to manage their own health?
A Path to Another Country Psychologists say that moving, divorce, and the death of a loved one are three of the most difficult life transitions. Have they measured the difficulty of moving to that other country, the land of the aged?
Diabetes is dificult to manage, but we know that a person with diabetes needs to be educated, motivated, and diligent to succeed. Unfortunately, most people with diabetes do not enjoy a complete regimen of care, and don't know what they are missing.
[Jerry replies to a question from "Charles"] You wrote that you may have had apnea for 10 years and wonder what damage might have been done before you started treatment.
Is 70 the new 60, or the new 70? How are the elderly, defined by the Census Bureau as those over 65, living?
We are a nation asleep. Millions of Americans don't get enough restful sleep. If life were like a fairy tale, sleep disorders including sleep apnea would not still be a major public health problem.