Tip for CPAP users
Here's an idea for action that can save you a lot of grief later in the event you lose your CPAP, or it is broken, or if you have any treatment problems.
Here's an idea for action that can save you a lot of grief later in the event you lose your CPAP, or it is broken, or if you have any treatment problems.
Are you depressed, or do you just feel depressed because of untreated sleep apnea?
If I use a CPAP treatment for sleep apnea every night at home, what can I do to continue treatment when the electricity fails, I have to travel, or when I want to get away from civilization for a vacation?
[Jerry replies to a question from "Charles"] You wrote that you may have had apnea for 10 years and wonder what damage might have been done before you started treatment.
We are a nation asleep. Millions of Americans don't get enough restful sleep. If life were like a fairy tale, sleep disorders including sleep apnea would not still be a major public health problem.