
Peabody Celebrates Immigrant Roots with Ethnic Food, Music, Dance Jerry Halberstadt Thu, 09/18/2014 - 22:42

At the Brazilian Community Christ Church event For a few hours, Peabody Main Street was more than a symbol of old-fashioned community—it was a melding of many communities including Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Irish, Jewish, Caribbean, Brazilian, Armenian; and with corresponding church and social clubs. And every kind of food!

I recommend "On a day like this."

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Tue, 09/11/2012 - 21:28

My grown children amaze and delight me. I learn from them all the time. I am proud, though their achievements and wisdom are their own. I share with you an essay by my daughter, Elana; somehow each of her blog posts touches me. Perhaps you will also find inspiration from her.

Elana's thoughts on 9/11: "On a day like this"…

Building A Tenants' Association In HUD Elderly Housing Anonymous Fri, 09/02/2011 - 21:33

When HUD created subsidized housing for elders, the goal was to create a safe and secure home for people who could not afford full market rate housing. But certain realities were created to confront elders. Owners believed that not only were they in charge of their buildings, but that they were in charge of their tenants.

TUWEE: Traversing Urban Ways with Extreme Elders

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 01/09/2010 - 19:45

The extreme winter sport for ambulating elders (and their dogs)

New England winter offers great challenges for the elder seeking adventure and excitement. There are some little-known types of adventure, for example, walking someplace in the city after a snowfall. This sport is readily available to anyone who no longer has an automobile, and is practically unknown to the majority of people who use a car to do all their errands.