Housing Committee Advances Commission to Prevent Bullying

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Fri, 06/20/2014 - 01:48

On Wednesday, 18 June 2014, the Joint Committee on Housing of the Great Court of Massachusetts reported out a "resolve" S2329 creating a commission to study ways to prevent bullying and to protect elderly and disabled tenants living in subsidized, multi-family housing from bullying. Jerry Halberstadt, Coordinator of the Stop Bullying Coalition believes this resolve "to be the first effort in the nation seeking legislation to protect elderly and disabled tenants—urgently needed because bullying is truly harmful and deprives people of their human rights and their civil rights." UPDATES & NEWSLETTER AT StopBullyingCoalition.org

Recognition for the Stop Bullying Coalition

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Wed, 05/14/2014 - 21:34

I will not forget the morning of May 9, 2014. Mary Margaret Moore and Joan Adrien presented me with the 2014 Gil Adrien Award for Outstanding Advocacy for my efforts on the stop bullying bill, S604. This was so important because the recognition admitted me and the Stop Bullying Coalition to a community of advocacy embracing the whole North Shore and helps to move our cause, to stop bullying, towards success.

The Plea of a WWII Combat Veteran Jerry Halberstadt Wed, 05/07/2014 - 22:05

Guest post by Leo

As a Veteran of WWII, I served in combat, starting at age seventeen, and returned with three bronze stars. I did this because I believed in and fought for my Country’s freedoms. I have seen and believed in much in my eighty-seven years, but Bullying and Mobbing in my housing development has changed my mind about the right to freedom in my own home and my right to speak. I fought for our collective freedoms, and I am angry that I now have to fight for my right to live without fear in my home. I risked my life for people who now Bully me in my old age.

Making a law to stop bullying is not like making sausage!

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Fri, 03/14/2014 - 15:19

Crafting a law to stop bullying

Rep. Paul Heroux and Rep. Jay Livingstone invited Michael Kane, Executive Director of Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants and me to meet with them and other legislators yesterday (13 March) at the State House to help craft a bill to stop bullying of elders and disabled in housing programs. They invited Senator Joan Lovely, my own senator who has supported our efforts from the beginning. The new bill is intended to complement, build on, and improve the original effort, S604. UPDATES & NEWSLETTER AT StopBullyingCoalition.org

Announcing: Hearing on S604 to protect elderly and disabled citizens from bullying in subsidized housing Jerry Halberstadt Thu, 01/16/2014 - 18:13

The Stop Bullying Coalition (SBC) announces a hearing on S604, An Act to protect residents of subsidized housing developments from bullying, including both elderly and those living with disability. The hearing will be held by the Joint Committee on Housing in Boston, MA. at the State House, Room B2 from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm on Tuesday, January 28, 2014.

The Stop Bullying Coalition mission Jerry Halberstadt Wed, 11/13/2013 - 22:40

Bullying is harmful. We seek to enlist partners to work together to advocate for remedies, including but not limited to legislation. We have done our best to identify the issues, ideas for intervention, and have proposed the goals and vision outlined in this document. We now reach out to all individuals and organizations who have a stake in these matters, and we seek your collaboration and input. Our primary concern is for people living with age and/or disability in subsidized housing. But we recognize common challenges, concerns, and solutions that may affect other populations and we stand together with all who oppose bullying.

Trauma on the field and bullying in the locker room

Submitted by Jerry Halberstadt on Tue, 11/05/2013 - 23:19

Frontline has charged that the NFL has been deliberately blind to the crippling effects of concussion, and both The Blaze and The New York times report that the NFL and Miami Dolphins have accepted bullying as a common, spirit-building activity of the locker room culture. The human brain can be damaged by two kinds of trauma—a blow that causes concussion, or by bullying that causes psychological trauma, sometimes as severe as PTSD.